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空气污染与健康 源清单与源解析




  1. 1. Tian H.Z.*, Gao J.J., Lu L., Zhao D., Cheng K., Qiu, P.P. Temporal trends and spatial variation characteristics of hazardous air pollutant emission inventory from municipal solid waste incineration in China, Environmental Science & Technology (ES&T). 2012, 46(18):10364-71 (SCI TOP, IF=5.228)

  2. 2. Tian, H.Z.*, Zhao, D., Cheng, K., Lu, L., He M.C., Hao, J.M. Anthropogenic atmospheric emissions of antimony and its spatial distribution characteristics in China. Environmental Science & Technology (ES&T), 2012, 46,3973−3980 (SCI TOP, IF=5.228)

  3. 3. Tian H.Z.*, Wang Y., Xue Z.G., Cheng K., Qu Y.P., Chai F.H., Hao J.M. Trend and characteristics of atmospheric emissions of Hg, As, and Se from coal combustion in China, 1980-2007. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP), 2010,10:11905–11919 (SCI TOP, IF=5.52)

  4. 4. Tian H.Z.*, Qiu P.P., Cheng K., Gao J.J., Lu l., Liu K.Y., Liu X.G. Current status and future trends of SO2 and NOx pollution during the 12th FYP period in Guiyang city of China. Atmospheric Environment (AE).2013, 69:273-280 (SCI  TOP, IF=3.465).

  5. 5. Tian, H.Z.*, Cheng, K., Wang, Y., Zhao, D., Lu, L., Jia, W.X., Hao, J.M. Temporal and spatial variation characteristics of atmospheric emissions of Cd, Cr, and Pb from coal in China. Atmospheric Environment (AE), 2012, 50:157-163. (SCI TOP, IF=3.465)

  6. 6. Tian H.Z.*, Gao J.J., Hao J.M., Lu L., Zhu C.Y., Qiu P.P.Atmospheric pollution problems and control proposals associated with solid waste management in China: A review. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2013, 252-253:142-154. (SCI TOP, IF=4.173).

  7. 7. Cheng K., Tian H.Z*., Zhao D., Lu L.,Wang Y., Chen J. Liu X.G., Jia W.X., Huang Z. Atmospheric emission inventory of cadmium from anthropogenic sources. Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol.(IJEST) 2013, DOI 10.1007/s13762-013-0206-3 (SCI 三区, IF=3.157)

  8. 8. Tian H.Z.*, Lu L.,Hao J.M., Gao J.J., Cheng K., Liu K.Y., Qiu P.P., Zhu C.Y. A review of key hazardous trace elements in Chinese coals: abundance, occurrence, behavior during coal combustion and their environmental impacts. Energy & Fuels(E&F), 2013. 27, 601-614(SCI 二区,IF=2.721)

  9. 9. Tian H.Z.*, Lu L., Cheng K., et al. Anthropogenic atmospheric nickel emissions and its distribution characteristics in China. Sci Total Environ,2012, 417-418: 148–157 (SCI二区, IF=3.286)

  10. 10. Tian H.Z.*, Wang Y., Cheng K., Hao J.M.,Xue Z.G., Qu Y.P.,Chai F.H. Control Strategies of Atmospheric Mercury Emissions from Coal-fired Power Plants in China. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association. 2012. 62(5): 576-586 (SCI, IF=1.517)

  11. 11. Tian H.Z.*, Zhao D., He M.C., Wang Y., Cheng K. Temporal and spatial distribution of atmospheric antimony emission inventories from coal combustion in China. Environmental Pollution, 2011, 159: 1613-1619. (SCI 二区, IF=3.746)

  12. 12. Tian H.Z.*, Wang Y., Zhao D., Chai F.H., Xing Z.S., Cheng K. Formation and causes of NOX pollution on the east side of the Taihang Mountains in China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2011, 56(1):1-4.doi:10.1007/s11434-011-4518-8. (SCI 三区,IF=1.321)

  13. 13. Tian H.Z.*, Wang Y., Cheng K., Qu Y.P., Chai F.H., Hao J.M. Atmospheric emissions estimation of Hg, As, and Se from coal-fired power plants in China, 2007. Sci Total Environ. 2011, 409 (2011) 3078–3081 (SCI二区,IF=3.286)

  14. 14. Tian H.Z.*, Cheng K., Wang Y., Zhao D. Quantitative assessment of variability and uncertainty of hazardous trace elements (Cd, Cr, and Pb) content in Chinese coals by using bootstrap simulation. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association. 2011, 61:755–763. doi:10.3155/1047-3289.61.7.755(SCI, IF=1.517)

  15. 15. Tian H.Z.*, Hao J.M., Hu M.Y., and Nie Y.F. Recent trends of energy consumption and air pollution in China. Journal of Energy Engineering.2007, 2:4-12 (SCI)

16. Hao J.M., Tian H.Z., and Lu Y.Q. Emission inventories of NOx from commercial energy consumption in China, 1995~1998. Environmental Science &Technology(ES&T), 2002,36(4):552-560


1. 朱天乐, 李国文,田贺忠,编著. 《室内空气污染控制》. 北京: 化学工业出版社,2003


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Alan Lloyd

The International Council on Clean Transportation, ICCT

Catherine Witherspoon

Witherspoon Consulting

Christopher A. James

The Regulatory Assistance Project







