Member of CICEED Advisory Committee on China Air Quality Management (2012). Participant in pre-Olympics workshop with Chinese officials on international air quality management structures, financing andauthority (2008) which led to the Ministry of Environment becoming a cabinetlevel agency. Deeply involved indrafting the California Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32, 2006), and California Clean Air Act (AB 2595, 1988).
August 2008 – Present: Program Consultant, ClimateWorks Foundation on Non-CO2 Climate Forcers and Air Quality Co-Benefits
January 2008 – Present: Principal, Witherspoon Consulting.
February 2003-July 2007: Executive Officer, California Air Resources Board, managing staff of 1,100, annual budget of $350 million, and overseeing 35 local air qualitymanagement districts.
Previously: 20+ years of air quality management experience at the federal, state and local level in the United States.
Between 2003 and 2007, as CARB Executive Officer, Ms.Witherspoon presided over the following:
--revised ambient air quality standards for ozone andNO2;
--diesel exhaust controls for new and existing portequipment, school buses, trash trucks, stationary power generators, portableengines, vehicle idling, cargo handling equipment, public utility vehicles, andauxiliary engines on ocean going vessels;
--vapor limits for portable fuel containers,gasoline dispensing equipment, and above ground fuel storage tanks;
-- toxic risk reduction measures for chromeplating, chromic acid anodizing, automotive finish re-coatings (metals),perchloroethylene drycleaners, formaldehyde in composite wood products, cruiseship incinerators, residential waste burning (dioxin),thermal sprayingoperations (hexavalent chrome and nickel) and solid air fresheners(para-dichlorobenzene);
--ultra low sulfur diesel fuel standards for on- and off- roadmotor vehicles, locomotives and harborcraft; and fuel specifications for biodiesel, compressed natural gas andliquefied natural gas;
--vehicle-related requirements for labeling,testing, warranties, on-board diagnostics and manufacturer recalls;
--greenhouse gas(GHG) emissionstandards for passenger vehicles; and early action measures toreduce GHGs in California;
--multi-million dollar incentive programs for cleaning up existingdiesel vehicles, school buses, construction equipment, and off-road mobile sources, and a $25 million incentive program to promote alternative fuels;
-- emission standards for forklifts, industrial equipment, handheld equipment, all terrain vehicles, ferries, tugboats, and recreational boats;
--an environmental justice program; and a handbookon addressing integrated air quality & land use issues
--multiple State Implementation Plans for the South CoastAQMD, the San Joaquin Valley AQMD and California as a whole;
--provisions for mitigating the transport of upwind air pollutionto downwind receptor areas;
--annual research objectives and multiple researchprojects including the landmark, 10 year Children’s Health Study;
--the identification of second hand tobacco smoke as a toxic air contaminant.
The International Council on Clean Transportation, ICCT
The Regulatory Assistance Project