Ray Minjares leads the Program on Climate andHealth at the International Council on Clean Transportation where he distills policy-relevantscience of non-CO2 pollutants into best practice policies for thetransportation sector. His expertise centers on the climate impacts of blackcarbon and other short-lived pollutants, as well as methods for assessment ofhealth impacts from vehicle emissions exposure at the global scale. His workhas guided the decision making of regulatory officials around the world,including the International Maritime Organization, the US EnvironmentalProtection Agency, the European Commission, the California Air ResourcesBoard, the Chinese Vehicle Emissions Control Center, and the India AutoFuels Policy Committee. Previously he worked in Washington, DC with theAmerican Cancer Society to develop analytics for measuring mission deliverysuccess, and the Environmental and Energy Study Institute as manager of theNational Clean Bus Project. In 2002 Mr. Minjares earned his bachelor’s degreefrom UCLA with a focus on International Development, Environmental Studies, andPhilosophy. In 2007 he earned a masters degree in public health with aconcentration in health policy and management from the UC Berkeley School ofPublic Health. He is a native of Los Angeles and now lives in Berkeley,CA.
1.Baral, A, Minjares, R., and Urban, R.(2013). Upstream climate impacts from production of R-134a and R-1234yfRefrigerants used in mobile air conditioning systems. Washington, DC:International Council on Clean Transportation.
2.Dalsøren, S. B., Samset, B. H., Myhre, G.,Corbett, J. J., Minjares, R., Lack, D., & Fuglestvedt, J. S. (2013).Environmental impacts of shipping in 2030 with a particular focus on the Arcticregion. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13(4), 1941–1955.doi:10.5194/acp-13-1941-2013
3.Minjares, R., Blumberg, K., & PosadaSanchez, F. (2012). Alignment of policies to maximize the climate benefits ofdiesel vehicles through control of particulate matter and black carbonemissions. Energy Policy, 1–8. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2012.09.053
4.Minjares, R. (2011). Refrigerants for light-duty passengervehicle air conditioning systems (No. 2011-3) (pp. 1–6). Washington, DC:International Council on Clean Transportation.
5.Minjares, R. and Posada Sanchez, F (2011).Estimated cost of gasoline particulate filters (No. 2011-8) (pp. 1-5).Washington, DC: International Council on Clean Transportation.
6.Wang, H. and Minjares, R. Global emissionsof marine black carbon: Critical review and revised assessment. Presented at2013 Annual Meeting of the US Transportation Research Board
7.Sommers, J. and Minjares, R. (2010) Mobilesource mitigation. Background paper to the US EPA workshop on addressing blackcarbon and ozone as short-lived climate forcers, Chapel Hill, NC; 2-3 Mar 2010.
8.ICCT (2009) A policy-relevant summary ofblack carbon climate science and appropriate emission control strategies.International Council on Clean Transportation. Washington, DC. 2009.
9.ICCT (2009) MethylcyclopentadienylManganese Tricarbonyl (MMT): A science and policy review. International Councilon Clean Transportation. Washington, DC. 2009
10.ICCT (2008) Challenges of developing andapplying integrated strategies at various scales. Background paper to theStockholm Conference on Climate and Air Pollution Co-Benefits. Stockholm,Sweden; 17-19 Sep 2008.
Minjares, R.J and Rutherford, D. Maximising theco-benefits of light-duty dieselization in Asia in Low Carbon Transport in Asia: Strategies for optimizingco-benefits (Zusman, E., Srinivasan, A, and Dhakal, Eds). Abingdon, UK:Earthscan Ltd, 2012.
1.Costs and Benefits of Reducing Black Carbonfrom diesel transportation in middle-income developing countries: Final Reportto the World Bank. Washington, DC: International Council on CleanTransportation, 2013.
2.Clean technology options for GEF SustranProjects in East Africa. Final Report to the United Nations EnvironmentProgramme. Washington, DC: International Council on Clean Transportation, 2012.
The International Council on Clean Transportation, ICCT
The Regulatory Assistance Project